500 Years Of The Schäfflertanz In Munich!


The amazing tradition of this dance goes back to the year 1517 when the plague raged in Munich. People were too scared to leave their houses for fear of getting sick. The Schäffler (local coopers) decided to put on their colourful clothes, play their music and dance to encourage people to come out, bringing the city "back to life". 500 years later, with the plague well and truly gone, this dance is still putting smiles on faces and bringing people together.

Normally, the Schäfflertanz is celebrated and performed every seven years (the last was in 2012, with the next traditionally to be in 2019). However, being the 500 year anniversary this year, the Schäfflertanz is breaking with tradition and dancing its' way through the streets of Munich!

There will be 25 performances over 8 days, starting on 21st February with a performance for the Bavarian Prime Minister, Horst Seehofer.

Luckily for us, we will be in Munich for this celebration and can't wait to enjoy a wonderful Munich tradition!

Want to know more? Ask Mama Schnucki!

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